
rairai eigo 3

 top of the quality is now , know,this endless eight.

but feel, contact wonder world is good night. this is my way 

and there, funky monster is coming story it's big laugh wonder future.

this is night fever. but don't cry this is my monster. worlds contact 

is night fever but I feel wonder land future.

it's real contact endless fighter this is night wonder.

rock'n'roll this night is fire wonder future. this is good night.

fighting sky high is super high . I am natural high wonder future.

but feel, this endless eight.

come on baby , lost children , fighting endless attack is now,

wonder future this way wonder wonder how wonder.

it's real monster is good every thing what to do.

this is my world. but feel, contact give me what to do.

this world is bigger for me. but feeling is so good.

fighting sky high is know, now story and chocolate .

but feeling is now contact wonder world this night

is lucky this is my monster. fighting scotch is now falling love.

fighting style is this night tomorrow and fighting, lost children,

fighting endless world is coming here and this is my story.

it's real. super high mode is now contact this world is mine.

but you know , feeling is good endless ticket ticket ticket.

but ticket is monster house ticket buss and real future is mine.

but feeling, output this wonder world is so difficult.

sorry Japanese is wonder future this is my  tomorrow.

but feeling out put is no more cry and city house but feel.

it's real and  real. it's most important this is the my way.

story is coming here. but I catch ticket by this falling this way to the way.

funky lost children is now ,back to the future.

this is night fever this night and endless eight this my anime story.

contact us? back to the music. fighting lost children is

now fighting it's real this night is super high wonder

world is now catching story. this night fever is now real

future. but endless this is tonight and reflect and reflect.

wonder wonder future is this night future and nice future this 

endless eight fighting story is coming story and real future is 

this night and story mode and crazy HIP HOP music.

but this is tonight, fighting sky high is night fever

bust burn endless eight but feeling is night and chocolate

story. come on this way to the way.

it's moral problem. but I feel that and endless story is coming snoopy.

looking for this eight beat? this wonder world is coming soon.

contact this give back is no more cry, this endless story  is coming.

rock is the future this night. it's real monster this roll end future rock.

this is night. I will future this night your monster.

fighting rock and chocolate is coming story , but real monster

don't catch that. but feeling is victory for this my world.

coming is now rich endless attack is coming here.

this endless wonder attack is coming this way to the way .

but feeling is so good. for me.

it's real contact it's real future this night is fighting list up

romance is getting cold game. fighting lie is coming gets 

loves, and future this wonder world.

coming eight beat is nice contact. but feel this world is now fever.

now contact you and me this is love song for you and me.

catch and release release release catch release. fighting release.

now release coming here. this wonder chocolate is now , rock'n' roll

this night, don't stop can this world endless attack.

it's real fantasy is cry and cry. don't stop my festival.

it's control this way my fantasy from.

this is getting nice game. but feeling nice is tomorrow fantasy 

romance back to the future and nice what to do this world,

contact? wonder world and future this night is so beautiful. that's all right.

rairai eigo 2

 but rock is coming here.

talk about this wonder world. end real is contact this way to the this mouse.

but feel that coming here is this tonight this is my soul.

rock and story coming is this night fever. it's real and sorry contact.

you don't like it. but I believe that.

coming soon this every way is sorry and story. fighting now contact

is coming soon. but feels no.1 and story coming eight beat story.

fighting is so cry but cry? must the people is now fighting

rock and roll, this every way is now what to do.

this world is so interesting. now rich wonder future this every way

is last night. but I feel now wonder world this way to the way.

how much this worlds contact sorry story.

fighting way is now, most people don't cry this world.

fighting is nice. but feeling is now good wonder future 

this way and story is now wonder world this night.

funky this is now get getting but feel this away and rock and roll is night.